The Lockdown Chronicles 1: Julian

Click on the image below to read the comic strip in full size. Sources and references on this post under the comic strip below.

Julian is self-solating and has been working from home for a while.
Click on image for full size.

Julian of Norwich (late 1342 – after 1416) was an English anchorite. She wrote what is thought to be the earliest surviving book in the English language to be written by a woman, Revelations of Divine Love. [Wikipedia entry].

Source text: Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love.

Source image: Statue of St. Mary and Jesus in Julian Shrine, via the Julian Centre, Norwich, UK. With gratitude.

The Lockdown Chronicles is a series of periodical comic strips made at night (in candlelight!) adapting and reusing openly-licensed or public domain items from online digital collections. Publication and tweetage are scheduled in advance. Historical sources are adapted and updated for the current pandemic; please refer to each strip’s references on each post for further context.  Catch up with the series at